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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:4次

1、用汗水挥洒青春,用拼搏诠释梦想! With the sweat to sprinkle youth, with the struggle to interpret the dream! 2、不必因昨天的眼泪,湿了今天的太阳。 Don't wet today's sun with yesterday's tears. 3、没有什么过不去,只是再也回不来。 There's nothing wrong, just never to come back. 4、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。 The end of the road is still the road, as long as you are willing to go. 5、生活就是一场逃亡,不能坐以待毙。 Life is a flight. You can't wait to die. 6、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。 Everyone has ups and downs. Pat the dust and go on. 7、不要等待机会,而要创造机会。 Don't wait for opportunities, create them. 8、志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。 Those who aspire to the top of the mountain will not covet the scenery on the hillside. 9、你可以掐掉鲜花,却无法消灭整个春天。 You can nip the flowers, but not the whole spring. 10、笑看人生风起云落,孤独寂寞能奈我何! Laugh to see the wind of life rise and fall, lonely can Nai me! 11、你已经很努力了,别急,自信点! You've worked hard. Don't worry. Be confident! 12、纵不能万丈光芒,也要倒在追梦的路上! Even if you can't shine, you must fall on the road of pursuing dreams! 13、成功可招引朋友,挫败可考验朋友。 Success attracts friends, defeat tests them. 14、人生充满着期待,梦想连接着未来。 Life is full of expectations, dreams connect the future. 15、学会忘记痛苦,为阳光记忆腾出空间。 Learn to forget pain and make room for sunshine memory. 16、付出不一定有收获,努力了就值得了。 It's not necessarily rewarding to give, it's worth the effort. 17、学习不是赛跑,比的不是快,而是好。 Learning is not a race. It's not faster, it's better. 18、一腔孤勇你别怕,最起码你还有自己。 Don't be afraid of being alone. At least you have yourself. 19、梦想不会逃跑,会逃跑的永远都是自己。 Dreams don't run away, they are always themselves. 20、用爱心来做事,用感恩的心做人。 Do things with love and be grateful. 21、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。 The determinant of genius should be diligence. 22、低头哭过别忘了抬头继续走。 Don't forget to look up and go on. 23、明天的你,一定会感激今天努力的自己。 Tomorrow, you will be grateful for your efforts today. 24、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。 Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of success. 25、心有多大,舞台就有多大。 The stage extends as far as the heart goes. 26、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。 Don't make excuses for failure, just find ways to succeed. 27、我不相信命运,命运只掌握在我手中。 I don't believe in fate. It's in my hands. 28、脑袋决定口袋,心态决定成败。 The head decides the pocket, the mentality decides the success or failure. 29、能自己扛就别声张,矫情的样子不漂亮。 If you can carry it by yourself, don't make a fuss. It's not beautiful. 30、人生如路,须在荒凉中走出繁华的风景。 Life is like a road, we must walk out of the prosperous scenery in the desolation. 31、常求有利别人,不求有利自己。 Always seek to benefit others, not yourself. 32、你不努力怎么知道你不是奇迹。 You don't try to know that you're not a miracle. 33、好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。 Play your part and do what you have to do. 34、生命,不是叹息过去,而是瞻望未来。 Life is not a sign of the past, but a vision of the future. 35、困难只是穿上工作服的机遇。 Difficulties are only opportunities to put on work clothes. 36、一个人的态度,决定他的高度。 A person's attitude determines his height. 37、生活会苦一阵子,但不会苦一辈子。 Life will be bitter for a while, but not for a lifetime. 38、不要高估了高考,也不要低估了自己。 Don't overestimate the college entrance examination, and don't underestimate yourself. 39、凡事欲其成功,必要付出代价奋斗。 In order to succeed, we must pay a price. 40、累了,也要努力清醒着怎么能就此沉沦。 Tired, but also to try to wake up how can this sink. 41、你最好全神贯注,因为我会全力以赴。 You'd better concentrate because I'll do my best. 42、用时间换天分,越努力越幸运。 Time for talent, the harder you work, the luckier you are. 43、让刻苦成为习惯,用汗水浇灌未来。 Let hard work become a habit, water the future with sweat. 44、你愿苦其自身,必将掌声雷动。 You are willing to suffer its own, will clap thunderbolt. 45、美丽让男人停下,智慧让男人留下。 Beauty makes men stop, wisdom makes men stay. 46、现在的我不配喊累,因为我一无所有。 I don't deserve to be tired now, because I have nothing. 47、人的一生全靠奋斗,唯有奋斗才能成功。 People's life depends on struggle, only struggle can succeed. 48、宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。 I would rather laugh and cry than regret. 49、世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb. 50、天下饿不死手艺人,也只是饿不死而已。 If you are hungry, you will not die. You are just hungry. 51、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。 The only weakness we will not correct is weakness. 52、我输过,我败过,但我从未放弃过! I lost, I lost, but I never gave up! 53、不要说你不会做!你是个人你就会做! Don't say you can't do it! You are a person and you will do it! 54、眼睛为你下着雨,心却为你撑着伞。 Eyes are raining for you, but heart is holding umbrella for you. 55、远处的是风景,近处的才是人生。 Far away is the scenery, near is life. 56、前方无绝路,希望在转角。 There is no end in front of us. Hope is around the corner. 57、请不要假装努力,结果不会陪你演戏。 Please don't pretend to work hard, it will not accompany you. 58、世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。 The most tiring thing in the world is to live in hypocrisy. 59、选择重于努力,成败在于选择之间。 Choice is more important than effort. Success or failure lies in choice.






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